Best Day of Your Life

Planning a wedding is a lot of work; there are a lot of decisions that have to be made regarding the most important day of your life. There are several things that you must choose with your spouse such as the location of you wedding, the type of food you’ll be serving at the reception, and the actual program and the things you will do in the wedding and in the reception. Here are a few tips on what you can do for your special day.


Location weddings and churches

Generally there are two types of weddings, location weddings and church weddings. Church weddings are a traditional type of wedding with much of the program following the religious format of the wedding. There is a priest and a whole ceremony or sacrament all held in a church of your choice. The other type is a location wedding. This could be on a beach or in a beautiful country side or anywhere you really want it to happen. Just choose something that both of you will love and remember for the rest of your lives.



The food at the reception is something that also requires a lot of decision making skills. Be sure first to check that you have options for those who are allergic or are vegetarian. For the cuisine, there are a of choices at your disposal. You can choose one cuisine for the whole spread or combine several! Just remember that you should like what you’ll be eating.