Keeping weddings interesting for the common man

Weddings can get really old, really fast. So if you’re planning on getting married soon, you should keep it fresh and fun. And we’re not just talking about an open bar here, you need to have something with more substance to entertain your guests.


Things are just about to get started after the wedding ceremony. If you want to pick things up, you can start by having a really cool song to introduce the bride and groom for the very first time. Some people usually opt for the romantic love song, while others go for an upbeat, rock and roll classic that is so cool that you would think you were watching a WWE event.


Even the wedding reception itself can be a great jumping off point. You can skip the usual swanky hotel function room and go straight to the beach, or some place outside the city. Get creative and find a really good wedding planner to help you out with everything.


Skip the usual PowerPoint or video presentation and do something that would engage the audience like a contest, or a raffle. Give out prizes and spread the wealth a little bit!


Games are also a very great way to keep your reception interesting. Like lining up all the single men and women and put them in awkward positions that’s funny and entertaining at the same time.


Remember that alcohol can only do so much to keep the party going, weddings and wedding receptions are more than just an open bar and a huge supply of alcohol.